I made it to Munich for the second wedding in Germany and back. I was only there for less than 5 days again, so the jetlag is really impeding my focus right now. However, I felt like I should keep the blog going nevertheless. So here we are, I'm back in Toronto. The weather is a lot nicer than it was in Germany. Everything is coming together quite nicely. A new bookshelf for the office should be arriving end of next week and the couch hopefully arrives mid August. It'll be nice to get organized and have a place to chill properly. The couch delivery was a long time in the making; 2.5 months to be precise. Which even in hindsight sounds like a crazy long time. But even after extensive search for alternative furniture the decision was easy since there was no equal when it came to quality or style. Okay, I'll keep this entry short since despite all the coffeine I consumed throughout the day I'm about to fall asleep resting my head on the laptop.